Monday, June 11, 2012

Feb 16, 2012 - The Waiting Continues

I've gotten a little spend-happy in the last week. I finally ended my camera indecision by buying a Canon Elph HS300. It's a big name for a tiny camera, barely 5 oz. Haven't used it outside yet, but I have high hopes. But with my camera mortality record, I'm worried about the toughness of it. Anyone have any tricks they've used to make their camera safer from the elements and gravity?
My other purchase was a bit more impulsive. Though I vowed never to wear Salomon shoes again, I just bought the Crossmax Guidance trailrunner - for less than half the regular price. I still shake an angry fist at my pair of XA Pro Ultra trailrunners, after their super-fancy lacing system super-failed me on a week-long trip in the Beartooths. I'm giving Salomon a second chance, mostly because of the low-low price, but also because it was a very comfy and supportive shoe before it busted a gut. And they're so pretty!
Needless to say, I've put a spending freeze on my trail funds for now. That means more time for my other favorite past-time, DEHYDRATING! So far we have dried rice, dried beans, dried pasta sauce, dried veggies, dried cantoulope, dried bananas, and dried fruit smoothies (aka fruit roll-ups). Andrew picked up a delightful item for my dehydrator, the jelly roll platter. It's a beautiful thing: a disk of slightly concave plastic to pour soupy or small drying stuff onto, to prevent leakage. No more f*%#ing plastic wrap!! My fellow dehydrators will sympathize.
Well, that's all the high drama that's been going on at home. I assume my posts will get substantially more interesting once I'm on the trail. Until then, I'll try to make list-making and Costco trips as exciting as possible.

 Some glimpses into my adventures this winter:

Andrew showed me Yellowstone in winter. The Boiling River is my new mental happy place.

Trail Creek Cabin. Forest Service cabins are the BEST way to stay sane and get outside in winter

Spanish Creek Cabin - my cozy home for a night. It has a swing!

Mystic Lake Cabin. This one is terrible; nasty scenery and no fun at all...

Hmmmm, Tahiti or Aruba? Winters in Montana make you fantasize about sandy beaches.

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