Sunday, October 14, 2012

July 26, 2012 - Lava tubes - just as cool as they sound

Peavine Creek
Next to one of many red-dirt roads
Elev: 4750
Miles: 23
Trip: 751

A couple of undocumented days doesn't sound like much, but Monday at Hat Creek Rim already seems like so long ago. The constant presence of civilization made the last 50 miles fly by, yet also stretch on interminably. Four towns (I define a "town" as anyplace with flush toilets) in one week, so many trail magic coolers I felt spoiled, and a Super Trail Angel who took pride in chauffeuring and assisting hikers any way he could (Thanks Steve!!). It's all very easy to enjoy, and much-appreciated, but I sometimes miss the Sierra days when showers and burgers were rare luxuries. Andrew's idea of skipping Ashland, OR, is sounding better and better.

It was two days ago, but I have to mention the hike on Hat Creek Rim. Not nearly as hot as we'd feared, although we still walked out of Old Station carrying 7 liters of water each. Visiting a cool lava tube helped - a volcanic eruption tunneled out underground channels with lava, which tourists can now visit with just a short walk from the road. The tubes were at least 30 degrees cooler than the desert above them!

Even though Andrew and I had a tense dinner together, the night hike was still exciting for me. I like to take my time eating and he likes to take advantage of every minute of daylight, so our dinner breaks are sometimes an exercise in patience and compromise. I finally urged him on ahead and enjoyed an hour of solo night-hiking after the sun set. Finally saw a nighthawk! So graceful and silent on its long wings, I felt awed and lucky to be so close - and wished Andrew had shared the moment with me.

Today I brought up the idea of a few days of solo camping, something I'd like like to try if we can work out the logistics. Even though I love hiking and camping with Andrew, I feel the need to be completely responsible for myself, to prove I can be out here alone. I started backpacking as a solo hiker, and I sometimes miss the solitude and self-reliance. I'm sure I'll miss him, but it would only be for a few days.

Shaggy says:

   Trail angel Steve reminded us yesterday that us hikers complain a lot! He of course was joking, but its also very true. Anything we get a chance to complain about, we do. Mosquitoes, blisters, back aches, heavy packs, chaffing, worn out shoes, just to name a few.
    Some days we have to remind ourselves that we made the choice to be out here. Today I had some of those moments. I sent new  shoes to  Drakesbad a few days ago, and carried them 60 miles to Burney where I trashed the old pair. The old pair had seen about 450 miles, really good for a pair of runners on trail. But this new pair feels very uncomfortable. Have my feet really grown more? I hope not, size 16 is hard enough to find. This new pair is so uncomfortable that after 10 miles of hiking today, I called Zappos and ordered a new pair, sent to the next town. Really hoping my feet arent swelling up...
   Because I was walking funny with the new shoes I was also gifted by the chafe fairy. All the areas I should not mention here were pretty badly chaffed by the end of today. This causes me to walk even funnier.
   I think the chaffing caused my back to hurt. Hunched over, walking like a duck! Wow my life is hard. I would still rather be out here on a hike than be a lot of places. Despite the chaffage, sore back, and achy feet.
   We left Burney pretty late after breakfast with Steady and trail angel Steve. They then gave us a ride back to the trail. The trail was easy walking and we have hiked over 22 miles after 11 AM.
   I am exhausted. Time to rest.

A lava cave on the way to Hat Creek Rim...very spooky.

Not so spooky on the inside though - plus, it was nice and cool!
Emerging from the lava tube.It was a full-on tourist experience, with interpretive signs and whole extended families snapping pictures.

Scrubby desert, still beautiful though. Possibly Lassen Peak in the back...

Russian thistle!

Yes, these are mine. Nature does some pretty un-pretty things to the body; it ain't all mud spas and steam baths.

Shasta by night.

Shasta by day.

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