Day 45
Ridge above snaking switchbacks
Castle Crags Wilderness
Miles: 12
Trip: 812
Being in town seems to throw a kink into trail life, at least for me. I'm feeling too relaxed and lazy at night to journal, even though most towns (Mt. Shasta City being a prime example) deserve to be written about. The good news is that I felt very good on the 20-mile hike down to I-5. Apparently all I needed was a decent night's rest, then I was up at dawn and hiking by 6:30am. Hopefully that holds true for tomorrow too. I struggled through every one of our measly 12 miles today, trying to placate an upset stomach that I blame on town. What is it about greasy, fatty, dairy-rich food that puts my system on high alert? Actually, I could probably figure that one out. I did force myself to eat a good dinner though, and now I'm going to force myself to sleep early, even though there is so much more to write about. Hiking comes first!
On our way out of town, Andrew ponders how traveling with an innocent-looking female greatly increases his chances of getting a ride. |
...even if that innocent-looking female also looks a little goofy. (The small sign was a laminated card I used, with a dry-erase marker, when we needed to broadcast our need for a ride) |
I look surprising chipper for someone whose insides felt like Spaghettios. |
Castle Crags was utterly unique, so I don't feel bad posting many, many pictures. |
The last of a sunset snags on the edge of one craggy ridge. |
Da moon! |
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