Saturday, November 3, 2012

August 5, 2012 - Respect the Storm Gods

Day 50
Ridge above Cook and Green passes
Elev: 6000 ft
Miles: 17
Trip: 836

Blow, wind, blow! That's what I cried just a few minutes ago, nestled in the tent with Andrew while a long-brewing storm roared its way toward us. Andrew was not amused by my bravado and chastised me for taunting the weather gods. I understand his trepidation, since he's the one who has to re-erect the tent if it blows over. But this is the first big storm we've been in, and the adrenaline thrill feels good after a slow, struggling hike. After our first two miles today, I felt as weak and spent as I usually do after hiking 25 miles. Obviously I'm not totally recovered yet. We've talked to several other PCTers who have gotten sick recently, even a few who purify every water source. It's entirely possible that nasty bugs other than giardia are responsible for our illness, so maybe what Andrew and I picked up isn't water-related at all. The mystery may never be solved, but I'm shopping for a new water filter regardless of the diagnosis. Now for a good night's sleep while the thunder crashed overhead. I do respect the storm gods.

"Every day is an adventure if you make it one."

Shaggy says:

Today was tough. I am so sick of being sick and tired. Today really felt like work. We worked hard too. I honestly did not have much fun today. I was exhausted and it was hot. I don't feel like writing anymore. Its storming right now. Only pumped out 18 miles today, and it was hard. Sleep 

A tranquil bay of clouds in the valley is a calming sight early in the morning.

I don't know what causes trees to grow like this, but I was intrigued. And check out that ominous sky!

Lilypad Lake. One of my favorite pictures because of the dozens of shades of green.

Another bizarre pom-pom pine. The rest of the tree looked dead, but a growth of healthy branches grew like a tumor on top.

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