Thursday, September 27, 2012

July 13, 2012 - Tiny, Blood-Sucking Motivators

Day 29
Saddle near White Rock Lake
Elev: 8100 ft
Miles: 21
Trip: 498

We took a slow, leisurely, break-filled day and still hiked over 20 miles. It's like Andrew always told me: the miles just happen. We didn't leave Benson Hut until 9am, in order to reach Donner Ski Ranch around 11am, when it opened. I was very happy to find a mouth-watering bacon-cheeseburger, fries, a Frappuccino and free pint of beer! It was heaven. We hiked a few more miles to the Peter Grubbs ski hut, another cool winter cabin with a two-story outhouse (not what it sounds like). We took our second one-hour break here, eating candy bars and reading borrowed literature. I permanently borrowed a book from the hut's shelves - Tina Fey's  Bossypants. I have to say I'm really excited to have a book, even if it weighs almost a pound. I was bored with only reading maps and my own writing.

After that siesta it was 5pm, so we thought we'd hike a few more hours before camping. We realized our leisurely day was over when the dry rockscape gave way to moist meadow, and the mosquitoes emerged. After swatting a few dozen, I kicked my hiking gears into Mosquito Speed. Mosquito Speed is at least 50% faster than normal hiking speed and allows for very few stops over 20 seconds. Even stopping to fill our water bottles was accelerated by the coating of bugs that appeared while we cowered by the creek. They eventually drove us to higher, windier ground where I can relax in the tent, reading a stolen book.

Shaggy says:

    Today was what we consider an easy day. We slept in and didnt leave the Bensen Hut until 9 or so. It was so beautiful up there. We slept on the second floor and had a the windows open, creating a perfect cross breeze. We also enjoyed the sunrise, not as spectacular as thee sunset, still amazing. The ridge walk after the hut was a great place to spend a leisurely morning.
   When we reached old highway 40, we found a cooler with sodas in it for thru hikers. Such a great surprise! We also found great trail magic at the Donner Ski Ranch, a hometown feeling ski lodge that gives PCT hikers a free beer. We of course got fries, burgers, and ice cream. Hard to hike after all that food, but we did it.
    This area is full of recreation opportunities. We passed folks rock climbing, running, hiking, road biking, and could see people boating on a lake far below. Old people and young people. Dogs too! Lots of fun talking to day trippers who are amazed by the trail and make us feel like superstars!
    We took another long break at the Peter Grubb Hut where we enjoyed some reading material we found. I found a Civil War magazine and Lauren found a Tina  Faye book. After another 2 hour break we marched onward.
   The trail dropped down a bunch and we were quickly swarmed by thousands of mosquitoes. We walked quickly, swatting ourselves until we reached a saddle and cooked dinner. This was another hour long break. Then down to White creek where they were terrible yet once more. We grabbed water and headed for higher ground. Hiked until 830, but sleeping in a windy saddle will keep us a little more sane, as long as these wind gusts dont blow the tent off the mountain!

On our way to a lunch-time beer at Donner Pass

After our lunch-time beer at Donner Ski Lodge. First one for hikers is free!

Above Truckee, CA, where a person can sail/paddle/climb/bike/run/hike the summer away.

Like he's waiting to run on to the field at a football game (and that's the only sports metaphor you'll get from me).

It was bigger than my thumb! And very elegant.

Another double-decker outhouse. This one smelled substantially worse than the Benson privy...guess the trapdoor roof aids ventilation.

Peter Grubb Ski Hut. Now with solar power!

Long ago, this tree had spunk. Now it just has lichen and bugs and a cool profile.

Even the mosquitoes couldn't keep me from enjoying this sunset.

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